VB Compress Pro Demo ... from WhippleWare ============================================== VBCDEMO.ZIP contains an almost completely functional copy of VB Compress Pro V3.11. The demo does everything except print reports and optimize projects with 8 or more files. VBLMDEMO.ZIP expands to ~450K and contains the following files: README.TXT Instructions (This file) VBCOMP3.EXE Executable VBCOMP3.HLP Help File RESWORDS.LST VB Reserved Words List VBCOMP.DLL Support Library To run the demo, unzip all files into a single directory and execute vbcomp3.exe. You must have VBRUN200.DLL and CMDIALOG.VBX pre-installed on your system (I have left it as a VB2 app because a) it needs nothing new in VB3, b) the runtime is smaller, and c) more reliable) For more information, contact: Ben Whipple WhippleWare 20 Cedar Street Charlestown MA 02129-2502 USA Orders: 800 241 8727 Phone: 617 242 2511 Fax: 617 241 8496 (on a switch, so dial and hit start) CIS: 72321,362